Statica Research Ltd t/a PEP Health Urgent and Emergency Care Survey Privacy Notice

Our contact details?

Both the company and the named Data Protection Officer – Alex Griffiths - can be contacted via:
(A) Statica Research Ltd t/a PEP Health, 7 Bell Yard, London, England, WC2A 2JR

What type of information we have ?

We are collecting survey responses concerning people’s experiences with urgent and emergency care in England. This includes select demographic information where the user has decided to provide it. This data is used to help us identify how representative the survey is, and is not patient identifiable.

Should a user wish to share the email address for the chance to win a prize, this will be entered via a distinct form and cannot be in any way linked with their survey responses.

How we get the information and why we do we have it?

The information is gathered via a voluntary online survey.

What we do with the information?

We analyse the responses and share the output with NHS X to better understand the public’s experience and understanding of urgent and emergency care, and to improve the service.

Once the survey programme is complete, the data will be fully deleted from PEP Health’s systems.

How we store your information

The information is stored in a secure database hosted in the EU. Access to the survey responses is strictly limited to suitably-trained employees who require access.

Your data protection rights

The data gathered will not be identifiable; however, if you wish us to remove your responses having completed the survey, we will work with you to try and identify the responses based on your recollection of the answers and remove the response where possible.

How to complain

If you wish to discuss our use of data, please contact us via the details listed at the top of this notice. If you are unhappy with how we have dealt with your complaint, you are able to contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at any time. Further details on how to contact the ICO can be found on their website: